6-7 Mai 2019 : Eve organise la session de régénération et le Workshop de métazoaires Marins pour la 9ème édition du séminaire EFOR.
Software Carpentry
Anabelle et Eve participent au CARPENTRY Workshop organisé dans l’Institut.
Cours d’Eve sur Platynereis Dumerilii à Roscoff
Eve présente notre organisme modèle Platynereis dumerilii durant le Schmid Training Course à la Station Biologique de Roscoff.
Welcome Luis !
Luis Carrera (Portugal) is joining our team, for a 5 months Erasmus internship for his Master
Atlas d’embryologie descriptive – 4e édition
Publication of the « Atlas d’embryologie descriptive – 4e édition » for which Michel participated (Dunod Editions)
A Lin28 homologue reprograms differentiated cells to stem cells in the moss Physcomitrella patens
Loïc presented the paper A Lin28 homologue reprograms differentiated cells to stem cells in the moss Physcomitrella patens during our join Evolution Journal Club at the Institute
Paris University – Call for Project for International Doctoral Contracts
Call for Project for International Doctoral Contracts for the beginning of the 2019 academic year inside the newly forme Paris University. Contact us to discuss Research Projects !
Erasmus + DIGITALMARINE program Launch
Launch of the Erasmus + DIGITALMARINE program; Eve participated at the kick off meeting in Paris
Congratulations Eve for your HDR!
Eve presented succesfully her application for her HDR (Diploma granting her PhD student supervision)
Social regulation of a rudimentary organ generates complex worker-caste systems in ants
Pierre presented the paper Social regulation of a rudimentary organ generates complex worker-caste systems in ants during our join Evolution Journal Club at the Institute