Our team obtains the IEA (International Emerging Action) funding from the CNRS to develop a collaboration with Arnau Sebé Pedrós’s lab
Welcome Aurore!
Welcome to Aurore VULLIEN, new Master student in our team!
Welcome Quentin !
Welcome to Quentin SCHENKELAARS, new post-doc fellow joining our team
Fondation l’ARC & Ligue contre le Cancer Funding
Our team secures funding from the Fondation l’ARC & the Ligue contre le Cancer
Loïc at the YSC
Loïc presents his results for the Young Science Club of the IJM. The title of his presentation was : Origin and potency of the blastemal cells during regeneration of the annelid Platynereis
IJM – Séminaire Hors les Murs
Eve, Loïc & Pierre attend the « Hors les Murs » Seminar of the Institut Jacques Monod, at Marcoussis
Farewell Anabelle!
Farewell Anabelle ending her PostDoc in our team and leaving for Heidelberg
Eve and Michel wrote a chapter in a Book!
Publication of the book « Voir l’invisible COLLECTIF ARMIR Comprendre – Agir. Tome 2 » where Michel & Eve have co-written a chapter titled « Stem cells, superpowered cells ? »
Film shooting in our lab
Filming of a MOOC on Platynereis for the Digital Marine Erasmus+ project
Eve presents our work at the Roscoff Marine Station in Roscoff
Eve presents our work at the Roscoff Marine Station in Roscoff